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LED projector Safe EVO CROSSWALK 25W

Safe EVO CROSSWALK 25W is an LED projector for projecting safety signs.

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2,5 kg3 kg
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LED projector Safe EVO CROSSWALK 25W

Safe EVO CROSSWALK 25W is an LED projector for projecting safety signs.

The new MINI A MID SAFE CROSSWALK LED floodlight series is designed to project the crossing symbol for pedestrians from different installation heights (from 3 to 10 m high), thanks to a special lens system developed by our company; each lamp is capable of projecting 3 horizontal bars, choosing between 4 colors, yellow, green, red or blue.

It is therefore the perfect product for highlighting and signaling pedestrian crossings, making them highly visible even in conditions of a lot of dust or worn surfaces, where the application of adhesive tapes or paints is ineffective and short-lived.

It is an ideal solution for increasing traffic safety within companies, reducing the risk of injuries and accidents.

The lamp consists of a plastic construction and an aluminum cooler and silicone seals that guarantee IP54 degree of protection.

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